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Certification Program


Thank you for your interest in the Master Certification Program for the Institute for Perception-Action Approach (further known IPAA). Please complete the form below. Once completed this form will be forwarded to Charlene Fregosi- Certification Committee Chair, There is a non-refundable fee of $25.00 due at application.

If you have questions about this Application, please contact Charlene Fregosi at the above email address.

The IPAA staff will acknowledge receipt of your P-A Approach Certification Program Application within two weeks and will let you know if additional information is needed to fully process your application. When your application is approved you will be emailed a code to access the next phase of the process.

Total Fees for the Certification Program:

  • Application Fee: $25.00
  • Mentoring Course: $600
  • Project Course (videos and written report): $450.00
  • Full Certification: $1050.00 - Mentor & Project Courses are paid separately
  • Discounted Fee: $900.00 - Mentor and Project Course (Mentor to provide discount code for Project Course after successfully completing Mentoring Course)

Certification Program will consist of 2 courses:
Mentoring Course:

  • Total of six (1 1⁄2 hour) mentoring sessions – An IPAA Instructor/Mentor will be assigned to the Certification Candidate and frequency and timing of meetings will be discussed between Mentor and Candidate.
  • Certification Candidates can choose to do this Mentoring Course by itself or as a prerequisite to the Project Course, leading to Certification.
  • Following six (1 ½ hour) mentoring sessions, Candidate and Mentor will discuss Candidate’s readiness to move on to Project Course to complete Certification.
  • If further mentoring sessions are required, additional fees will be necessary.
  • Fee for Mentoring Course: $600.00 

Project Course:

  • Acceptance to the Project Course is dependent on successful completion of the Mentoring Course.
  • The Candidate will provide Instructor/Examiner with two 20 minute intervention videos and a written report of one client, as further described in the Certification information.
  • A P-AA Instructor/Examiner will review the candidate’s intervention videos and written report and provide feedback and discussion with the Candidate.
  • The Examiner will provide recommendation to the Certification Committee when the Candidate has met competency for Certification. The Certification Committee will then contact the Candidate.
  • Fee for Project Course: $450.00

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